About Hestia Magazine
What makes home automation so interesting that we decided to create a magazine about it?

Domesticity, hygge, Hestia
In Greek mythology Hestia is the goddess of the hearth, domesticity, the family and the home. That's exactly what home automation stands for: the atmosphere of happy domesticity.
The Danish call this feeling of domesticity 'Hygge', which means something like cozy or comfortable. Hygge is a feeling you'll experience mostly at home while wrapped in blankets with a hot cup of tea by the warm hearth.
But domesticity can be more than that. It's waking up slowly when the first rays of sunlight shine through the window. It's opening your front door after a tiring day at work and be welcomed by a warm living room. It's closing that same door and knowing your loved ones and belongings will be safe. This is where a smart home comes in.
Home automation can help you make your home more hygge. A smart home makes your life easier and more comfortable. It opens the shutters on a Sunday morning, it activates your heating just before your arrive and detects suspicious movements when you're away.
You're in charge
A smart home follows your daily rhythm. Isn't that what we all want? A home that adjusts itself to our needs instead of the other way around? Home automation will let you experience exactly that. But where do you start?
What kind of application do you want to use? Do you only need a smart heating system? Or do you also want to automate your lights, your sound system and your alarm system. Which home automation software or platform should you use for that? An integrated system from which you can control everything? Which devices do you need? How will these devices talk to each other? Do you want a voice control system or monitor your settings from an app on your smartphone?
The possibilities are limitless. You are completely in charge of what your perfect smart home will look like. The downside of that is that you have a make a bunch of decisions about how exactly your home will become smart.

A magazine for a smarter home (owner)
We know it's hard. That's why we want to help you. By bringing the stories, insights, tips and tricks you need to make up your mind. To make an informed decision in the search for an home automation system or to make the most out of the system you already implemented in the past.
Hestia Magazine is your go-to guide for news, information and tutorials on home automation in the European market. We'll share with you the latest smart home news, inspiring stories, practical how-to's and more.
Hestia wants to help you in making your home smart and that starts with making its owner smarter. Challenge accepted!